Divorce in Texas is hard enough without throwing unnecessary complications into the mix. Unfortunately, for many divorcing individuals, switching an attorney partway through the divorce process turns out to be a highly necessary complication. Although some cases of changing a divorce attorney cannot be avoided (such as if your attorney dies or cannot continue working), many unresponsive, irresponsible, or careless attorneys can be identified by carefully interviewing attorneys when you start searching at the very beginning of the divorce process. If you are looking for a divorce attorney, make sure you keep an eye out for these five red flags.

An Attorney With Exclusive Experience in Other Areas of Law

Some law firms practice many different types of law, which is not a problem. But if an attorney with the vast majority of her experience in real estate law is trying to pick up a few family law cases on the side, you may want to avoid her practice in lieu of someone who has specific experience in family law.

An Attorney Who Seems Not to Care About Your Case

Different personalities have different communication styles, but you can tell when someone is interested in your case. If an attorney seems careless, flippant, or otherwise indicates no interest in your success, move on.

An Attorney Who Does Not Get Back to You

Lawyers are busy professionals who are usually trying to juggle work responsibilities and personal obligations. However, a lawyer should be responsive to your questions. If you always struggle to get your attorney on the line at the very beginning of your relationship, this could be a bad sign for the future.

An Attorney Who Pushes Their Agenda Onto You

You may be interested in pursuing a peaceful divorce with as little pressure as possible. If your attorney insists that you would be better served by a full-court press that ends in court litigation, that attorney is not right for you. While your attorney should always advise you within the limits of the law and provide their opinion on the best interests of your case, they should never disregard your preferences entirely.

An Attorney Whose Price Seems Too Good to Be True

Many attorneys offer a flat rate for divorce representation. This rate may be appealing, especially if budgetary concerns are at the front of your mind. Be wary of promises that seem too good to be true because they often are. Whether a prospective attorney tells you that you can get everything you want in your case or tells you they can handle the entire thing for a fraction of competitor’s rates, watch out.

Contact a Dallas, Texas Divorce Lawyer

At Clark Law Group, we know divorce is hard. That is why our Fort Worth family law attorneys work hard to give you the service you deserve. We treat every one of our clients with respect, and past clients have complimented us on how responsive and professional we are. To schedule a comprehensive consultation about the details of your case, call us today at 469-906-2266 and learn why so many people recommend us.

Sources: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs4.asp?DocName=075000050HPt%2E+IV&ActID=2086&ChapterID=59&SeqStart=3900000&SeqEnd=5400000 & https://www.investopedia.com/finding-a-divorce-lawyer-5196460