
Lawyer in Dallas for Creating Fair Spousal Support Agreements

In the event of a divorce, one of the more difficult issues to deal with is the issue of alimony. Often referred to as spousal support, alimony is a complicated legal issue. It is a good idea to consult with a lawyer to ensure that your rights are protected and that the agreement is fair and equitable. At Clark Law Group, we know how challenging divorce can be, and we are committed to helping our clients throughout the process.

How Is Alimony Determined?

Alimony refers to the court-ordered spousal support that one party must pay to their former spouse in the event of a divorce. In Texas, there are three kinds of alimony: temporary support paid while the divorce is still pending, contractual alimony that you and your former spouse determine out of court, and court-mandated maintenance post-divorce. Generally speaking, the court will determine party which has to pay alimony, and it will calculate the amount to be paid.


Factors When Considering Alimony

Some of the factors considered when determining alimony are:

  • The financial situation of the individuals
  • The earning potential of both parties
  • The established standard of living
  • The length of the marriage
  • Whether or not one person was a homemaker and the impact this has on their future earning potential
  • If there is a history of domestic violence or financial misconduct in the marriage

How Long Does Alimony Last?

According to Texas family law code, alimony can last for:

  • Up to five years if the marriage lasted less than 10 years, the paying spouse was abusive, or if the marriage lasted for 10-20 years
  • Up to seven years if the marriage lasted for 20-30 years
  • Up to 10 years if the marriage lasted for more than 30 years
  • Indefinite if the petitioning spouse is permanently disabled

We Fight for a Fair, Equitable Agreement

If you are going through a divorce, it can feel like you are all alone. At Clark Law Group, we are here to help our clients through this difficult time. Whether you believe you are entitled to alimony or you want to be sure that you are not being taken advantage of, we are here to help. We have extensive knowledge of Texas Family Code, and our alimony lawyers in Dallas take a detail-oriented approach to all cases. We prioritize each client’s best interests.

To schedule an appointment with one of our alimony lawyers in Dallas, call 469-906-2266 or contact us online. We serve clients throughout the Dallas metropolitan area.

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