Business Valuations

Dallas Divorce Lawyer for Business Asset Valuation and Division

Spouses who choose to end their marriage will need to address many different issues related to their property and finances, as well as other concerns that must be resolved before they can complete their divorce. The property division process can be one of the most complex aspects of a divorce, and if either spouse is a business owner, they may primarily be concerned with their ability to continue owning and operating their business. Before making decisions about how to divide business assets, spouses will need to gain a full understanding of the value of a business, and a person can do so by working with an attorney who has experience addressing these matters during the divorce process.

Dallas Business Valuations Attorney

Legal Representation on Property Settlements

Clark Law Group provides legal representation for spouses as they work to legally dissolve their marriages, helping them understand how they can protect their financial interests in the decisions they make. We work with business owners or spouses who are not involved in managing a family business to help determine the value of business assets. We advise our clients on how they can create property settlements that will meet their needs and provide them with the necessary financial resources to support themselves and their loved ones following the completion of a divorce.

Methods of Business Valuation During Divorce

By understanding the full monetary value of business assets, spouses will be able to divide these assets and other marital property in a way that provides each party with an equitable share of their marital estate. A business valuation may use one or more of the following methods to ensure that spouses know the value of the assets they own:

  • Market value – A business owner may be able to estimate the value of their business by looking at the purchase price of other similar businesses that have recently been sold. However, the estimated market value may not provide a complete understanding of the financial benefits that a person would receive by maintaining ownership of the business. In some cases, it may be difficult to obtain an accurate estimate, such as when there are no comparable businesses within the same market that were sold recently. In addition, a market valuation may be unable to address unique factors that can affect the value of a business, such as goodwill that has been generated through its relationships with clients.
  • Business assets and liabilities – A company’s value may be determined by adding up the value of the assets owned by the business and subtracting its liabilities. Assets can include tangible property, such as real estate, equipment, materials, and goods on hand, as well as intangible assets such as intellectual property or contractual agreements with other companies or individuals. Liabilities may include debts owed by the business or ongoing payments that are made toward rent, utilities, payroll, goods purchased, services received, or other expenses. While this method can provide a good look at a business’s current value, it may not address the potential for growth or other changes that may occur in the future.
  • Income, earnings, profits, and growth – To gain a better understanding of the current value of a business, how this value may change in the future, and the benefits that will be available to the business’s owner, a valuation may consider the business’s past income and projected future earnings. By looking at how the business may be expected to grow, expand operations, and increase in value, the parties can fully understand the value of retaining ownership of business assets.

Contact Our Dallas Divorce Lawyers for Business Valuation

During your divorce, our attorneys can help you understand the best ways to determine the value of all of the assets you own, including business interests. We will advise you on the best valuation methods to use, and we will help you determine how you can divide your marital property in a way that will protect your financial interests both now and in the future. To learn more about how we can help you address property division and other divorce-related issues, contact our office by calling 469-906-2266. We assist with complex divorce cases in Plano, Farmers Branch, North Dallas, Dallas County, Preston Hollow, Valley Ranch, Grand Prairie, Dallas, McKinney, Carrollton, Lakewood, Denton County, Park Cities, Coppell, Mesquite, University Park, Fort Worth, Irving, Lake Highland, Collin County, Highland Park, and Garland.

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