Uncontested Divorce

Lawyer Helping Divorcing Parties with Minimal Conflict in Dallas

Not all divorces are knock-down, drag-out battles between spouses. When two people are able to come to an agreement that the relationship is no longer working for either of them, they may pursue an uncontested divorce. These divorces require less time and inflict a lot less emotional struggle on each person. For help with dissolving your marriage in an amicable way, call the Dallas uncontested divorce attorney at Clark Law Group.

Dallas Uncontested Divorce Attorney

What Is an Uncontested Divorce?

An uncontested divorce is one in which both parties agree:

  • To the divorce itself, and
  • To the terms of the divorce

The terms of the divorce include issues such as child custodyproperty division, and alimony. Once the paperwork is filed by one party, if the other party agrees to the divorce or fails to make an appearance, then a judge can grant the uncontested divorce.

Do I Need a Lawyer for an Uncontested Divorce?

Because uncontested divorces are easier to deal with emotionally, many people think filing for divorce on their own will be a simple process. However, every divorce requires lots of paperwork and at least one court appearance, if not more. If something is not completed properly, you could face major consequences such as having to sell your house or giving up the rights to the house to your ex-spouse. Other problems could appear later on due to mistakes that happened in the beginning while filing.

The benefits of having a lawyer file for your uncontested divorce include:

  • Knowing which forms need to be filled out
  • Helping to make strategic choices that protect your interests
  • Reducing extra time and back-and-forth that can come with filing for divorce
  • Understanding how to negotiate with your spouse
  • Ensuring the other party signs the right documents

How a Dallas Uncontested Divorce Attorney Can Help With Negotiations

No divorce is easy. Even uncontested divorces can pose issues for which neither party had prepared, and these issues can cause stress during and after the divorce. With the help of Clark Law Group, you can eliminate these potential issues at the start of the divorce process. Our firm understands how to negotiate the terms of the divorce, respond to petitions or motions received by the other party, and communicate and negotiate during instances where the other party disagrees.

Give yourself the best shot at a divorce with minimal headache. If you are going through an uncontested divorce in Dallas, contact the office of Clark Law Group to schedule a consultation with one of our divorce professionals today. Call 469-906-2266 for an appointment. We serve clients throughout North Texas, including in Dallas, Park Cities, and the surrounding areas.

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