Joint Custody and Parenting Agreements

Dallas Parenting Plan Lawyer Helping Co-Parents Serve the Best Interests of Their Children

“Stephen made the most difficult time in my life bearable, and for that, I am forever thankful. He did what was in the best interest of my daughter and now I am happy to say that I have peace in my daily routine.” – Rebecca

When raising a child with a former spouse or partner, finding a way to make things work that serves the interests of the child can be difficult. With the help of an experienced Dallas joint custody attorney, you can fight for custody rights that fit your interests and help you give your child the best future possible.

The team at Clark Law Group is ready to help you pursue a custody plan that is in the best interest of your child. Call today to schedule a consultation with a Dallas joint managing conservatorship attorney.

Joint Custody and Parenting Agreements

Types of Custody in Texas

The state of Texas provides for two classifications of child custody or conservatorship. This allows courts to make decisions that preserve the best interests of the child.

Custody classifications include:

  • Sole conservatorship – One parent has both the physical custody and the decision-making rights regarding the child or children
  • Joint legal custody – Both parents share decision-making rights in the raising of the child

When parents have joint legal custody, the Court will establish a parenting agreement to lay out the various aspects of raising the child.

These parental rights and duties outline:

  • Which parent has the right to choose the child’s primary residence
  • How decision-making responsibilities will be shared
  • Each parent’s responsibilities with the child’s physical care, support, and education
  • Possession and access (visitation) schedules
  • Guidelines for the care of the child
  • A non-judicial dispute resolution plan

Drafting a Custody Plan

While parents can draft their own parenting agreement, the court will have the final say as to whether or not the parenting agreement will become the court’s order.

A custody plan must:

  • Provide a safe, stable, and nonviolent environment for the child
  • Give children frequent and continuing contact with fit parents
  • Allow the parents to share the rights and duties that come with raising a child

Joint Physical Custody

Even when parents are awarded joint legal custody, the matter of which parent will retain physical custody of the child is often a major issue. A parent can have joint legal custody and still only see their child sporadically, such as alternating weekends and partial time during holidays and summers.

Benefits of Joint Custody

Joint custody can be very beneficial to children. Studies suggest that children who spend time with each parent are:

  • More likely to have better relationships with each parent
  • More likely to perform better in school
  • Less likely to abuse drugs or alcohol
  • Less likely to smoke
  • Less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and other issues related to stress

Contact Our Team for Help

If you have children and are going through a divorce, call the Dallas joint custody lawyer from Clark Law Group to get help drafting a parenting agreement that will be satisfactory to the involved parties and the court.

Call 469-906-2266 now and schedule your consultation with Clark Law Group. We serve individuals and families throughout North Texas.

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