Amazon Driver Accidents

Dallas Lawyers for Victims of Car Accidents With Amazon Delivery Vehicles

Over the last two decades, Amazon has become the world’s largest retailer, and the company has drivers delivering millions of packages every day. Unfortunately, Amazon delivery drivers may sometimes be careless when it comes to the personal safety of others around them. It is often their habit to rush to deliver as many packages as possible as quickly as they can. Tight deadlines and company expectations can give delivery drivers precious little time to take the steps needed to avoid a crash. Furthering the danger, some Amazon drivers receive very little training. Some are nonprofessional drivers using their own personal vehicles. The circumstances under which Amazon drivers operate can create the perfect recipe for a dangerous accident.

Dallas Amazon Driver Accidents Attorneys

The Clark Law Group in Dallas, Texas is skilled in helping those who have been injured by Amazon drivers recover financial compensation. If you are among the many who have suffered bodily injury due to the negligence of an Amazon driver, our team may be able to obtain compensation on your behalf. We understand the expenses and the financial losses that come with car accident injuries, and our goal is to ensure that these costs are made up for with an award or settlement.

Common Causes of Amazon Driver Accidents

Amazon delivery drivers have a duty to use reasonable care while delivering packages to avoid causing injuries to others. When an Amazon driver neglects that duty and injures someone, the accident may have been caused by:

  • Unreasonable expectations – Amazon drivers must adhere to extraordinarily tight schedules, especially during holiday seasons and other busy times. Drivers who are in a rush are prone to making careless mistakes like speeding, failing to check behind their vehicle before backing up, running red lights or stop signs, or even engaging in aggressive driving due to road rage.
  • New hires with inadequate training – Many Amazon drivers are independent contractors instead of employees. For employees and contractors alike, there is an especially high turnover rate. Drivers who are new to package delivery and driving on unfamiliar routes may become lost or flustered, leading them to make critical errors.
  • Driver distraction – Inattentiveness to the road is common when a driver is looking at route information or delivery instructions. Individuals who drive for work are frequently prone to fatigue and cell phone use as well. This commonly leads to rear-end collisions and other types of dangerous car wrecks.

Sources of Compensation After an Amazon Driver Accident

You may have several potential sources of compensation after being injured by an Amazon driver, and it is possible that Amazon might not be one of them. If the driver who hit you was an independent contractor, Amazon could attempt to escape liability for the damages the driver caused. However, you may still be able to recover compensation from another source.

Amazon provides all of its independent contractors with a supplemental insurance policy, the Amazon Commercial Auto Insurance Policy, which may provide up to $1,000,000.00 of coverage for each accident caused by a delivery driver. Additionally, Amazon does require all of its drivers to carry personal car insurance. You may be able to receive compensation from the driver’s insurance, just as you would if the driver had been on the road for any other reason.

Texas law may work in your favor as well. All drivers who drive for commercial services such as Amazon, Uber, DoorDash, and GrubHub must carry auto insurance policies with higher policy limits than the state of Texas requires for noncommercial drivers.

If you have been injured by an Amazon driver, the likelihood is that you are well-covered. However, this does not mean that collecting compensation will be easy. It is wise to have a skilled attorney from Clark Law Group to represent you throughout the process of filing insurance claims. Insurance companies are reluctant to pay out what a claim is truly worth, and your attorney can fight for you to receive the full amount you deserve.

Call a Dallas County Amazon Driver Accidents Lawyer

At the Clark Law Group, we strive to secure the highest possible amount of compensation for those who have been injured by Amazon delivery drivers. Our experienced legal team will take on insurance companies with confidence after conducting a full investigation. Contact our office to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation today. Call 469-765-3910 for an appointment. We represent injured individuals in Dallas, University Park, Highland Park, and throughout North Texas.

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