DWI Accidents

Dallas Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Representing Car Wreck Injury Victims

While all types of car accidents can be serious, resulting in multiple types of serious injuries for victims, crashes involving drunk drivers can be especially dangerous. Due to the risks that the introduction of drugs and alcohol can have when introduced into a person’s system, driver’s may be held to a heightened level of responsibility. The risks of driving while intoxicated are well-known, and drivers make the choice to violate the law in this manner should be held responsible for the harm they cause to others. Drivers and passengers who are injured in these types of car wrecks may be able to pursue compensation for multiple types of damages, including the costs of their medical treatment, the income they have lost, and the pain and suffering they have experienced. In some drunk driving cases exemplary damages or punitive damages may be available when these drivers act in a grossly negligent manner. With the right personal injury lawyer on their side, victims can make sure they take the correct steps to receive the appropriate amount of compensation from intoxicated drivers.

Dallas DWI Accidents Attorney

At Clark Law Group, we know how devastating car accidents can be, and we believe in helping our clients take action against intoxicated drivers who have caused them harm. We can work with you to pursue compensation from a driver who blatantly violated the law by drinking and driving and caused you an injury. We will advise you of your rights and options, and we will fight to make sure you will be fully compensated for all of the ways you have been affected by a drunk driving accident. We will do everything we can to pursue the maximum amount of compensation allowable.

Alcohol and/or Drugs as it relates to Intoxicated Drivers

The legal limit for a driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is .08 percent in Texas. While the rate at which a driver may become intoxicated by alcohol will vary from person to person, most people will be over the legal limit if they have two or three drinks within a few hours.

In Texas, a driver may also be considered intoxicated through the introduction of illegal or prescription drugs into their system. It is important to have an attorney who understands the effects that alcohol and drugs can have on a person when dealing with cases where persons are injured from intoxicated drivers.

The use of illegal drugs, other controlled substances, or the combination of two or more substances can affect a person ability to drive safely.

Drunk driving can affect a person in multiple ways, including:

  • Vision – A driver may experience blurred or double vision, making it more difficult to see what is happening on the road around them. They may not notice important details such as pedestrians crossing the road or other vehicles that have slowed down or changed lanes, and this may lead them to collide with others.
  • Reaction time – Alcohol and other substances will cause a person to react more slowly to what is happening around them. When driving, even a split-second delay in reaction time can have deadly consequences, and a person may be unable to slow down or move out of the way in time to avoid striking another vehicle or pedestrian.
  • Balance and coordination – Drivers need to be able to respond correctly to multiple forms of sensory input, and they will need to maintain full control of their arms, legs, and other body parts while driving. Drug or alcohol use can significantly impair a driver’s ability to control their body, and they may experience dizziness or lightheadedness that may affect their ability to maintain control of their vehicle.
  • Judgment – Intoxication may lead drivers to act impulsively or take dangerous actions, such as running red lights, ignoring traffic signs, making turns without looking for other vehicles or pedestrians, speeding, or driving too close to other vehicles. These actions can significantly increase the chances of a collision.

A person who operates a motor vehicle under these circumstances can be considered to have acted with “gross negligence”. Punitive damages or exemplary damages can be awarded in some circumstances in Texas for drivers who have engaged in such conduct.

Contact Our Dallas Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers

If you have been injured by a drunk or intoxicated driver, our firm can provide you with legal representation and advocate for your interests as we help you pursue compensation. In addition to seeking compensation for economic and non-economic damages, you may be able to receive punitive damages, which may be awarded as punishment for a driver who violated DWI laws and acted in a way that showed a disregard for your safety. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 469-906-2266. We provide representation for victims of drunk drivers in University Park, Park Cities, North Dallas, Lake Highland, Carrollton, Valley Ranch, Garland, Grand Prairie, McKinney, Collin County, Dallas County, Denton County, Fort Worth, Plano, Mesquite, Coppell, Farmers Branch, Irving, Lakewood, Preston Hollow, Highland Park, and Dallas.

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