Auto Accident Wrongful Death Family Compensation

Supporting Families After Auto Accident Wrongful Deaths in Dallas, TX

Losing a family member in a car accident is one of the most difficult and devastating experiences that anyone may face. These situations can not only cause intense emotional turmoil, but they can also leave a family with significant financial obligations. Understanding who can recover compensation in wrongful death car accident claims in Texas is essential, as the law only allows specific individuals to file such a claim to recover damages. Navigating through the aftermath of a loved one’s death is overwhelming, which is why obtaining legal assistance is critical in these situations. While the circumstances surrounding a fatal car accident may seem simple, the process of filing a wrongful death claim can be complicated, and it is essential to have an experienced personal injury guide you through the legal procedures that will be followed as you pursue compensation.

Dallas Auto Accident Wrongful Death Family Compensation Lawyer

Helping Families Receive the Maximum Compensation Available

At Clark Law Group, we understand the legal complexities of wrongful death claims. Our experience in this area of the law ensures that our clients can be in the strongest possible position to acquire the compensation they need and deserve. We take pride in helping families understand their options as they pursue wrongful death lawsuits, and we can also help address common insurance company tactics in which family members of the deceased receive low settlement offers. When clients come to us, they can feel confident, trusting that they will not be forced to accept what the insurance company offers but will instead be able to receive the maximum compensation available.

Who May File a Wrongful Death Claim in Texas?

It is a heartbreaking experience to lose a beloved family member in a car accident, especially when someone else’s negligence causes the death. If you are a surviving spouse or family member of the deceased person, you may be able to pursue a wrongful death claim to recover compensation for your losses. Under the wrongful death statutes in Texas, specific individuals are entitled to file a lawsuit in Texas:

  • Surviving spouse – The spouse of the deceased party has the right to file a wrongful death claim. The definition of a surviving spouse may vary depending on the circumstances of the case, but in most cases, it refers to a person who has been legally recognized as the married partner of the deceased.
  • Surviving children – Any children, either adopted or biological, can file a wrongful death claim for their deceased parent.
  • Surviving parents – If the deceased party had any surviving parents, they may also decide to pursue a wrongful death claim.

Will There Be Multiple Lawsuits or One Big Lawsuit?

Depending on who decides to file the claim, there will generally be one lawsuit encompassing those who have decided to file a wrongful death claim. If the surviving spouse, surviving children, and the deceased individual’s surviving parents all choose to file a lawsuit, they may decide to do so individually or jointly. However, an eligible family member often acts as a personal representative on behalf of all qualified individuals who may be eligible to recover compensation through a wrongful death lawsuit.

Additionally, if the deceased individual had a last will and testament, the document may include instructions for who is to be named personal representative in the event of their death. These are matters a qualified attorney can help you determine.

Contact a Dallas Wrongful Death Lawyer

When they are enveloped in grief, family members who are reeling from the death of their loved one deserve an outlet where they can pursue economic and non-economic damages that can help with the enormous and unimaginable burden they now bear as a result of the loss. At Clark Law Group, our seasoned and highly compassionate counselors are ready to assist you and your family throughout this difficult situation. We proudly assist individuals and families in the Dallas/Fort Worth area in pursuing compensation for a loved one’s death. Contact us at 469-717-6514 for a private consultation today.

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